Thus we held on, speaking little, for four or five dull miles. It was very cold, and, a collier coming by us, with her galley-fire smoking and flaring, looked like a comfortable home. The night was as dark by this time as it would be until morning; and what light we had, seemed to come more from the river than the sky, as the oars in their dipping struck as a few reflected stars. At this dismal time we were evidently all possessed by the idea that we were followed. As the tide made, it flapped heavily at irregular intervals against the shore; and whenever such a sound came, one or other of us was sure to start and look in that direction. Here and there, the set of the current had worn down the bank into a little creek, and we were all suspicious of such places, and eyed them nervously. Sometimes, `What was that ripple?' one of us would say in a low voice. Or another, `Is that a boat yonder?' And afterwards, we would fall into a dead silence, and I would sit impatiently thinking with what an unusual amount of noise the oars worked in the thowels.
At length we descried a light and a roof, and presently afterwards ran alongside a little causeway made of stones that had been picked up hard by. Leaving the rest in the boat, I stepped ashore, and found the light to be in a window of a public-house. It was a dirty place enough, and Idare say not unknown to smuggling adventurers; but there was a good fire in the kitchen, and there were eggs and bacon to eat, and various liquors to drink. Also, there were two double-bedded rooms - `such as they were,'
the landlord said. No other company was in the house than the landlord, his wife, and a grizzled male creature, the `Jack' of the little causeway, who was as slimy and smeary as if he had been low-water mark too.
With this assistant, I went down to the boat again, and we all came ashore, and brought out the oars, and rudder, and boat-hook, and all else, and hauled her up for the night. We made a very good meal by the kitchen fire, and then apportioned the bedrooms: Herbert and Startop were to occupy one; I and our charge the other. We found the air as carefully excluded from both, as if air were fatal to life; and there were more dirty clothes and bandboxes under the beds than I should have thought the family possessed.
But, we considered ourselves well off, notwithstanding, for a more solitary place we could not have found.
While we were comforting ourselves by the fire after our meal, the Jack - who was sitting in a corner, and who had a bloated pair of shoes on, which he had exhibited while we were eating our eggs and bacon, as interesting relics that he had taken a few days ago from the feet of a drowned seaman washed ashore - asked me if we had seen a four-oared galley going up with the tide? When I told him No, he said she must have gone down then, and yet she `took up too,' when she left there.
`They must ha' thought better on't for some reason or another,' said the Jack, `and gone down.'
`A four-oared galley, did you say?' said I.
`A four,' said the Jack, `and two sitters.'
`Did they come ashore here?'
`They put in with a stone two-gallon jar, for some beer. I'd ha'been glad to pison the beer myself,' said the Jack, `or put some rattling physic in it.'
` I know why,' said the Jack. He spoke in a slushy voice, as if much mud had washed into his throat.
`He thinks,' said the landlord: a weakly meditative man with a pale eye, who seemed to rely greatly on his Jack: `he thinks they was, what they wasn't.'
` I knows what I thinks,' observed the Jack.
` You thinks Custum 'Us, Jack?' said the landlord.
`I do,' said the Jack.
`Then you're wrong, Jack.'
In the infinite meaning of his reply and his boundless confidence in his views, the Jack took one of his bloated shoes off, looked into it, knocked a few stones out of it on the kitchen floor, and put it on again.
He did this with the air of a Jack who was so right that he could afford to do anything.
`Why, what do you make out that they done with their buttons then, Jack?'
asked the landlord, vacillating weakly.
`Done with their buttons?' returned the Jack. `Chucked 'em overboard.
Swallered 'em. Sowed 'em, to come up small salad. Done with their buttons!'
`Don't be cheeky, Jack,' remonstrated the landlord, in a melancholy and pathetic way.
`A Custum 'Us officer knows what to do with his Buttons,' said the Jack, repeating the obnoxious word with the greatest contempt, `when they comes betwixt him and his own light. A Four and two sitters don't go hanging and hovering, up with one tide and down with another, and both with and against another, without there being Custum 'Us at the bottom of it.' Saying which he went out in disdain; and the landlord, having no one to reply upon, found it impracticable to pursue the subject.
This dialogue made us all uneasy, and me very uneasy. The dismal wind was muttering round the house, the tide was flapping at the shore, and I had a feeling that we were caged and threatened. A four-oared galley hovering about in so unusual a way as to attract this notice, was an ugly circumstance that I could not get rid of. When I had induced Provis to go up to bed, I went outside with my two companions (Starlop by this time knew the state of the case), and held another council. Whether we should remain at the house until near the steamer's time, which would be about one in the afternoon; or whether we should put off early in the morning;was the question we discussed. On the whole we deemed it the better course to lie where we were, until within an hour or so of the steamer's time, and then to get out in her track, and drift easily with the tide. Having settled to do this, we returned into the house and went to bed.
I lay down with the greater part of my clothes on, and slept well for a few hours. When I awoke, the wind had risen, and the sign of the house (the Ship) was creaking and banging about, with noises that startled me.
Rising softly, for my charge lay fast asleep, I looked out of the window.