


Just what Tom's thoughts were, Ned, of course, could not guess.But by the flush that showed under the tan of his chum's cheeks the young financial secretary felt pretty certain that Tom was a bit apprehensive of the outcome of Professor Beecher's call on Mary Nestor.

"So he is going to see her about `something important,' Ned?" "That's what some members of his party called it.""And they're waiting here for him to join them?""Yes.And it means waiting a week for another steamer.It must be something pretty important, don't you think, to cause Beecher to risk that delay in starting after the idol of gold?""Important? Yes, I suppose so," assented Tom."And yet even if he waits for the next steamer he will get to Honduras nearly as soon as we do.""How is that?"

"The next boat is a faster one."

"Then why don't we take that? I hate dawdling along on a slow freighter.""Well, for one thing it would hardly do to change now, when all our goods are on board.And besides, the captain of the _Relstab_, on which we are going to sail, is a friend of Professor Bumper's.""Well, I'm just as glad Beecher and his party aren't going with us," resumed Ned, after a pause."It might make trouble.""Oh, I'm ready for any trouble HE might make!" quickly exclaimed Tom.

He meant trouble that might be developed in going to Honduras, and starting the search for the lost city and the idol of gold.This kind of trouble Tom and his friends had experienced before, on other trips where rivals had sought to frustrate their ends.

But, in his heart, though he said nothing to Ned about it, Tom was worried.Much as he disliked to admit it to himself, he feared the visit of Professor Beecher to Mary Nestor in Fayetteville had but one meaning.

"I wonder if he's going to propose to her," thought Tom."He has the field all to himself now, and her father likes him.That's in his favor.I guess Mr.Nestor has never quite forgiven me for that mistake about the dynamite box, and that wasn't my fault.Then, too, the Beecher and Nestor families have been friends for years.Yes, he surely has the inside edge on me, and if he gets her to throw me over---- Well, I won't give up without a fight!" and Tom mentally girded himself for a battle of wits.

"He's relying on the prestige he'll get out of this idol of gold if his party finds it," thought on the young inventor."But I'll help find it first.I'm glad to have a little start of him, anyhow, even if it isn't more than two days.Though if our vessel is held back much by storms he may get on the ground first.However, that can't be helped.I'll do the best I can."These thoughts shot through Tom's mind even as Ned was asking his questions and making comments.Then the young inventor, shaking his shoulders as though to rid them of some weight, remarked:

"Well, come on out and see the sights.It will be long before we look on Broadway again."When the chums returned from their sightseeing excursion, they found that Professor Bumper had arrived.

"Where's Professor Bumper?" asked Ned, the next day.

"In his room, going over books, papers and maps to make sure he has everything.""And Mr.Damon?"

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