

This faith in the meaning of poetry and in the development of life was a religion,and I was one of its priests.To be its priest was very pleasant and profitable.And I lived a considerable time in this faith without doubting its validity.But in the second and still more in the third year of this life I began to doubt the infallibility of this religion and to examine it.My first cause of doubt was that I began to notice that the priests of this religion were not all in accord among themselves.Some said:

We are the best and most useful teachers;we teach what is needed,but the others teach wrongly.Others said:No!we are the real teachers,and you teach wrongly.and they disputed,quarrelled,abused,cheated,and tricked one another.There were also many among us who did not care who was right and who was wrong,but were simply bent on attaining their covetous aims by means of this activity of ours.All this obliged me to doubt the validity of our creed.

Moreover,having begun to doubt the truth of the authors'creed itself,I also began to observe its priests more attentively,and I became convinced that almost all the priests of that religion,the writers,were immoral,and for the most part men of bad,worthless character,much inferior to those whom I had met in my former dissipated and military life;but they were self-confident and self-satisfied as only those can be who are quite holy or who do not know what holiness is.These people revolted me,I became revolting to myself,and I realized that that faith was a fraud.

But strange to say,though I understood this fraud and renounced it,yet I did not renounce the rank these people gave me:

the rank of artist,poet,and teacher.I naively imagined that I was a poet and artist and could teach everybody without myself knowing what I was teaching,and I acted accordingly.

From my intimacy with these men I acquired a new vice:abnormally developed pride and an insane assurance that it was my vocation to teach men,without knowing what.

To remember that time,and my own state of mind and that of those men (though there are thousands like them today),is sad and terrible and ludicrous,and arouses exactly the feeling one experiences in a lunatic asylum.

We were all then convinced that it was necessary for us to speak,write,and print as quickly as possible and as much as possible,and that it was all wanted for the good of humanity.And thousands of us,contradicting and abusing one another,all printed and wrote--teaching others.And without noticing that we knew nothing,and that to the simplest of life's questions:What is good and what is evil?we did not know how to reply,we all talked at the same time,not listening to one another,sometimes seconding and praising one another in order to be seconded and praised in turn,sometimes getting angry with one another--just as in a lunatic asylum.

Thousands of workmen laboured to the extreme limit of their strength day and night,setting the type and printing millions of words which the post carried all over Russia,and we still went on teaching and could in no way find time to teach enough,and were always angry that sufficient attention was not paid us.

It was terribly strange,but is now quite comprehensible.Our real innermost concern was to get as much money and praise as possible.To gain that end we could do nothing except write books and papers.So we did that.But in order to do such useless work and to feel assured that we were very important people we required a theory justifying our activity.And so among us this theory was devised:"All that exists is reasonable.All that exists develops.And it all develops by means of Culture.And Culture is measured by the circulation of books and newspapers.And we are paid money and are respected because we write books and newspapers,and therefore we are the most useful and the best of men."This theory would have been all very well if we had been unanimous,but as every thought expressed by one of us was always met by a diametrically opposite thought expressed by another,we ought to have been driven to reflection.But we ignored this;people paid us money and those on our side praised us,so each of us considered himself justified.

It is now clear to me that this was just as in a lunatic asylum;but then I only dimly suspected this,and like all lunatics,simply called all men lunatics except myself.

  • 浮士德


  • 原来爱过


  • 许我心上月


  • 重生:征服腹黑世子


  • 为你可以赴汤蹈火


  • 倾世绝宠:凤妃惊鸿


  • 三世惊情


  • 浮生若梦——爱恨情仇


  • 海魄冰情


  • 天命圣帝

