

Solomon John had given the little boys some of the bits sawed off from the legs of the chairs.He had suggested that they should cover them with gilt paper, to answer for gilt apples, without telling them what they were for.

These apples, a little blunt at the end, and the candles were all they had for the tree!

After all her trips into town Elizabeth Eliza had forgotten to bring anything for it.

"I thought of candies and sugar-plums," she said; "but I concluded if we made caramels ourselves we should not need them.But, then, we have not made caramels.The fact is, that day my head was full of my carpet.I had bumped it pretty badly, too."Mr.Peterkin wished he had taken, instead of a fir-tree, an apple-tree he had seen in October, full of red fruit.

"But the leaves would have fallen off by this time," said Elizabeth Eliza.

"And the apples, too," said Solomon John.

"It is odd I should have forgotten, that day I went in on purpose to get the things," said Elizabeth Eliza, musingly."But I went from shop to shop, and didn't know exactly what to get.I saw a great many gilt things for Christmas-trees; but I knew the little boys were making the gilt apples; there were plenty of candles in the shops, but I knew Solomon John was making the candles."Mr.Peterkin thought it was quite natural.

Solomon John wondered if it were too late for them to go into town now.

Elizabeth Eliza could not go in the next morning, for there was to be a grand Christmas dinner, and Mr.Peterkin could not be spared, and Solomon John was sure he and Agamemnon would not know what to buy.Besides, they would want to try the candles to-night.

Mr.Peterkin asked if the presents everybody had been preparing would not answer.But Elizabeth Eliza knew they would be too heavy.

A gloom came over the room.There was only a flickering gleam from one of Solomon John's candles that he had lighted by way of trial.

Solomon John again proposed going into town.He lighted a match to examine the newspaper about the trains.There were plenty of trains coming out at that hour, but none going in except a very late one.That would not leave time to do anything and come back.

"We could go in, Elizabeth Eliza and I," said Solomon John, "but we should not have time to buy anything."Agamemnon was summoned in.Mrs.Peterkin was entertaining the uncles and aunts in the front parlor.Agamemnon wished there was time to study up something about electric lights.If they could only have a calcium light! Solomon John's candle sputtered and went out.

At this moment there was a loud knocking at the front door.The little boys, and the small cousins, and the uncles and aunts, and Mrs.Peterkin, hastened to see what was the matter.

The uncles and aunts thought somebody's house must be on fire.

The door was opened, and there was a man, white with flakes, for it was beginning to snow, and he was pulling in a large box.

Mrs.Peterkin supposed it contained some of Elizabeth Eliza's purchases, so she ordered it to be pushed into the back parlor, and hastily called back her guests and the little boys into the other room.The little boys and the small cousins were sure they had seen Santa Claus himself.

Mr.Peterkin lighted the gas.The box was addressed to Elizabeth Eliza.It was from the lady from Philadelphia! She had gathered a hint from Elizabeth Eliza's letters that there was to be a Christmas-tree, and had filled this box with all that would be needed.

It was opened directly.There was every kind of gilt hanging-thing, from gilt pea-pods to butterflies on springs.There were shining flags and lanterns, and birdcages, and nests with birds sitting on them, baskets of fruit, gilt apples and bunches of grapes, and, at the bottom of the whole, a large box of candles and a box of Philadelphia bonbons!

Elizabeth Eliza and Solomon John could scarcely keep from screaming.The little boys and the small cousins knocked on the folding-doors to ask what was the matter.

Hastily Mr.Peterkin and the rest took out the things and hung them on the tree, and put on the candles.

When all was done, it looked so well that Mr.Peterkin exclaimed:-"Let us light the candles now, and send to invite all the neighbors to-night, and have the tree on Christmas Eve!"And so it was that the Peterkins had their Christmas-tree the day before, and on Christmas night could go and visit their neighbors.

MRS.PETERKIN'S TEA-PARTY.TWAS important to have a tea-party, as they had all been invited by everybody,-the Bromwicks, the Tremletts, and the Gibbonses.It would be such a good chance to pay off some of their old debts, now that the lady from Philadelphia was back again, and her two daughters, who would be sure to make it all go off well.

But as soon as they began to make out the list, they saw there were too many to have at once, for there were but twelve cups and saucers in the best set.

"There are seven of us, to begin with," said Mr.Peterkin.

"We need not all drink tea," said Mrs.Peterkin.

"I never do," said Solomon John.The little boys never did.

"And we could have coffee, too," suggested Elizabeth Eliza.

"That would take as many cups," objected Agamemnon.

"We could use the every-day set for the coffee," answered Elizabeth Eliza; "they are the right shape.Besides," she went on, "they would not all come.Mr.and Mrs.Bromwick, for instance;they never go out."

"There are but six cups in the every-day set," said Mrs.Peterkin.

The little boys said there were plenty of saucers; and Mr.Peterkin agreed with Elizabeth Eliza that all would not come.Old Mr.

Jeffers never went out.

"There are three of the Tremletts," said Elizabeth Eliza; "they never go out together.One of them, if not two, will be sure to have the headache.Ann Maria Bromwick would come, and the three Gibbons boys, and their sister Juliana; but the other sisters are out West, and there is but one Osborne."It really did seem safe to ask "everybody." They would be sorry, after it was over, that they had not asked more.

  • 云仙笑


  • 刘氏菊谱


  • 七俱胝独部法


  • 俗说


  • The Poverty of Philosophy

    The Poverty of Philosophy

  • 谁主沉浮:一世情殇


  • 我们是天


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  • 快穿:月城之缘


  • 根达亚传


  • 当了先进的狗(原创经典作品)


  • 时空稽查者


  • 天下英魂


  • 蜘蛛王


  • 圣裔神座

