
第1章 CHAPTER I.(1)

We settle down in our new home, and I resolve to keep a diary.

Tradesmen trouble us a bit, so does the scraper. The Curate calls and pays me a great compliment.

My clear wife Carrie and I have just been a week in our new house, "The Laurels," Brickfield Terrace, Holloway - a nice six-roomed residence, not counting basement, with a front breakfast-parlour.

We have a little front garden; and there is a flight of ten steps up to the front door, which, by-the-by, we keep locked with the chain up. Cummings, Gowing, and our other intimate friends always come to the little side entrance, which saves the servant the trouble of going up to the front door, thereby taking her from her work. We have a nice little back garden which runs down to the railway. We were rather afraid of the noise of the trains at first, but the landlord said we should not notice them after a bit, and took 2 pounds off the rent. He was certainly right; and beyond the cracking of the garden wall at the bottom, we have suffered no inconvenience.

After my work in the City, I like to be at home. What's the good of a home, if you are never in it? "Home, Sweet Home," that's my motto. I am always in of an evening. Our old friend Gowing may drop in without ceremony; so may Cummings, who lives opposite. My dear wife Caroline and I are pleased to see them, if they like to drop in on us. But Carrie and I can manage to pass our evenings together without friends. There is always something to be done: a tin-tack here, a Venetian blind to put straight, a fan to nail up, or part of a carpet to nail down - all of which I can do with my pipe in my mouth; while Carrie is not above putting a button on a shirt, mending a pillow-case, or practising the "Sylvia Gavotte" on our new cottage piano (on the three years' system), manufactured by W. Bilkson (in small letters), from Collard and Collard (in very large letters). It is also a great comfort to us to know that our boy Willie is getting on so well in the Bank at Oldham. We should like to see more of him. Now for my diary:-April 3. - Tradesmen called for custom, and I promised Farmerson, the ironmonger, to give him a turn if I wanted any nails or tools.

By-the-by, that reminds me there is no key to our bedroom door, and the bells must be seen to. The parlour bell is broken, and the front door rings up in the servant's bedroom, which is ridiculous.

Dear friend Gowing dropped in, but wouldn't stay, saying there was an infernal smell of paint.

  • 藏金潭夺宝


    一位年轻女士带着小孩和老人不远万里步行异国寻找自己的亲人,一个不惧生死、智勇双全的大英雄,面对死亡不禁留下了眼泪,也可以让一个没有丝毫信仰的、自私自利的人最后能够发自内心地去忏悔。为了得到藏金,各色人等纷纷齐聚令人望而生畏的死亡之潭。印第安人大首领温内图轻轻触动了秘密机关,湖底开始显出本来的面貌,无数的黄金,让贪欲之人更加贪婪,一场生死抉择之后,每一个人都得到了应该得到的东西…………异域的风情、独特的文化、险象环生的故事,揉神话、探险、悬疑和哲理于一体,这些构成了卡尔 麦小说的永恒魅力。
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