

"So you say now; but you don't know what may happen between this and Christmas-day. Natalie, there is only one way of making sure that you will never marry Richard. Marry _me_.""Without papa's consent?"

"Without saying a word to anybody till it's done.""Oh, Launce! Launce!"

"My darling, every word you have said proves there is no other way. Think of it, Natalie, think of it."There was a pause. Natalie dropped her needle and thread, and hid her face in her hands. "If my poor mother was only alive," she said; "if I only had an elder sister to advise me, and to take my part."She was evidently hesitating. Launce took a man's advantage of her indecision. He pressed her without mercy.

"Do you love me?" he whispered, with his lips close to her ear.

"You know I do, dearly."

"Put it out of Richa rd's power to part us, Natalie.""Part us? We are cousins: we have known each other since we were both children. Even if he proposed parting us, papa wouldn't allow it.""Mark my words, he _will_ propose it. As for your father, Richard has only to lift his finger and your father obeys him. My love, the happiness of both our lives is at stake. "He wound his arm round her, and gently drew her head back on his bosom " Other girls have done it, darling," he pleaded, "why shouldn't you?"The effort to answer him was too much for her. She gave it up. Alow sigh fluttered through her lips. She nestled closer to him, and faintly closed her eyes. The next instant she started up, trembling from head to foot, and looked at the sky-light. Richard Turlington's voice was suddenly audible on deck exactly above them.

"Graybrooke, I want to say a word to you about Launcelot Linzie."Natalie's first impulse was to fly to the door. Hearing Launce's name on Richard's lips, she checked herself. Something in Richard's tone roused in her the curiosity which suspends fear.

She waited, with her hand in Launce's hand.

"If you remember," the brassy voice went on, "I doubted the wisdom of taking him with us on this cruise. You didn't agree with me, and, at your express request, I gave way. I did wrong.

Launcelot Linzie is a very presuming young man."Sir Joseph's answer was accompanied by Sir Joseph's mellow laugh.

"My dear Richard! Surely you are a little hard on Launce?""You are not an observant man, Graybrooke. I am. I see signs of his presuming with all of us, and especially with Natalie. Idon't like the manner in which he speaks to her and looks at her.

He is unduly familiar; he is insolently confidential. There must be a stop put to it. In my position, my feelings ought to be regarded. I request you to check the intimacy when we get on shore."Sir Joseph's next words were spoken more seriously. He expressed his surprise.

"My dear Richard, they are cousins, they have been playmates from childhood. How _can_ you think of attaching the slightest importance to anything that is said or done by poor Launce?"There was a good-humored contempt in Sir Joseph's reference to "poor Launce" which jarred on his daughter. He might almost have been alluding to some harmless domestic animal. Natalie's color deepened. Her hand pressed Launce's hand gently.

Turlington still persisted.

"I must once more request--seriously request--that you will check this growing intimacy. I don't object to your asking him to the house when you ask other friends. I only wish you (and expect you) to stop his 'dropping in,' as it is called, any hour of the day or evening when he may have nothing to do. Is that understood between us?""If you make a point of it, Richard, of course it's understood between us."Launce looked at Natalie, as weak Sir Joseph consented in those words.

"What did I tell you?" he whispered.

Natalie hung her head in silence. There was a pause in the conversation on deck. The two gentlemen walked away slowly toward the forward part of the vessel.

Launce pursued his advantage.

"Your father leaves us no alternative," he said. "The door will be closed against me as soon as we get on shore. If I lose you, Natalie, I don't care what becomes of me. My profession may go to the devil. I have nothing left worth living for.""Hush! hush! don't talk in that way!"

Launce tried the soothing influence of persuasion once more.

"Hundreds and hundreds of people in our situation have married privately--and have been forgiven afterward," he went on. "Iwon't ask you to do anything in a hurry. I will be guided entirely by your wishes. All I want to quiet my mind is to know that you are mine. Do, do, do make me feel sure that Richard Turlington can't take you away from me.""Don't press me, Launce." She dropped on the locker. "See!" she said. "It makes me tremble only to think of it!""Who are you afraid of, darling? Not your father, surely?""Poor papa! I wonder whether he would be hard on me for the first time in his life?" She stopped; her moistening eyes looked up imploringly in Launce's face. "Don't press me!" she repeated faintly. "You know it's wrong. We should have to confess it-- and then what would happen?" She paused again. Her eyes wandered nervously to the deck. Her voice dropped to its lowest tones.

  • 明朝作品集


  • 宗伯集


  • 梵天火罗九曜


  • 太上元始天尊说大雨龙王经


  • 警世阴阳梦


  • 弃女遗心材方露


  • 路上有雨,笙边有你


  • 琉夜纪


  • 末日:傲世苍穹


  • 幻想乡的诸位也不是很容易


  • 【完结】【粉嫩皇后好抢手】


    “我不是甜点…不好吃的…”洞房里两人“坦诚”相对,粉嫩的水娃娃怯怯地盯着眼前媚惑的妖孽皇帝,艰难地退到床里。 \r“娃娃别怕,我会让你很享受的……”英俊的皇帝很腹黑,一步一步向前。\r稚嫩声音开始软融颤抖,“不要啊,再这样会有小小娃娃的…”\r为什么突然之间,这些哥哥都变得好可怕了。大魔王哥哥要抱抱,君哥哥要亲亲,现在,皇上哥哥直接就要吃了她!\r呜哇,她不要…她还想做自由自在的水娃娃呢!\r这是一个女主受尽宠爱温馨的小甜文。天雷若干,地雷无数,不喜止步!\r女主水娃娃:大智若愚,聪慧可爱\r男主一吴国皇帝:冷酷腹黑爱吃醋\r男主二离火教主:清雅沉稳超温柔\r男主三魏国太子:妖孽美艳很浪漫
  • 重生之我是阿斗


  • 三世甘堕桃花劫


  • 福尔摩斯的大脑


  • 黑暗天界

