

It was in the month of February,when darkness comes on so quickly,that Jasmin informed the magistrates of Sarlat,whither he was bound,that he would be there by five o'clock.But they waited,and waited for him and the priest at the entrance to the town,attended by the clergy,the sub-prefect,the town councillors,and a crowd of people.It was a cold and dreary night.Still no Jasmin!They waited for three long hours.At last Jasmin appeared on the post-office car."There he comes at last!"was the general cry.His arrival was greeted with enthusiastic cheers.It was now quite dark.The poet and the priest entered Sarlat in triumph,amidst the glare of torches and the joyful shouts of the multitude.Then came the priest's address,Jasmin's recitations,and the final collection of offerings.

It is unnecessary to repeat the scenes,however impressive,which occurred during the journey of the poet and the priest.

There was the same amount of enthusiasm at Nontron,Bergerac,and the other towns which they visited.At Nontron,M.A.de Calvimont,the sub-prefect,welcomed Jasmin with the following lines:

"To Jasmin,our grand poet,The painter of humanity;For him,elect of heaven,life is a fete Ending in immortality."Jasmin replied to this with some impromptu lines,'To Poetry,'dedicated to the sub-prefect.At Bergerac he wrote his Adieu to Perigord,in which he conveyed his thanks to the inhabitants of the department for the kindness with which they had received him and his companion.This,their first journey through Perigord,was brought to a close at the end of February,1843.

The result of this brilliant journey was very successful.

The purse of the Abbe was now sufficiently well filled to enable him to proceed with the rebuilding of the church of Vergt;and the work was so well advanced,that by the 23rd of the following month of July it was ready for consecration.A solemn ceremony then took place.Six bishops,including an archbishop,and three hundred priests were present,with more than fifteen thousand people of all ranks and conditions of life.Never had such a ceremony been seen before--at least in so small a town.

The Cardinal Gousset,Archbishop of Rheims,after consecrating the church,turned to Jasmin,and said:"Poet,we cannot avoid the recognition of your self-sacrificing labours in the rebuilding of this church;and we shall be happy if you will consent to say a few words before we part.""Monseigneur,"replied Jasmin,"can you believe that my muse has laboured for fifteen days and fifteen nights,that I should interrupt this day of the fete?Vergt keeps fete to-day for religion,but not for poetry,though it welcomes and loves it.

The church has six pontiffs;the poet is only a subdeacon;but if I must sing my hymn officially,it must be elsewhere."The Archbishop--a man of intelligence who understood the feelings of poets--promised,at the collation which followed the consecration,to give Jasmin the opportunity of reciting the verses which he had composed for the occasion.The poem was entitled 'A Priest without a Church'(in Gascon:Lou Preste sans Glegzo)dedicated to M.Masson,the Cure of Vergt.In his verses the poet described the influence of a noble church upon the imagination as well as the religion of the people.But he said nothing of his own labours in collecting the necessary funds for the rebuilding of the church.The recitation of the poem was received with enthusiasm.

Monseigneur Bertaud,who preached in the afternoon on the "Infinity of God,"touchingly referred to the poems of Jasmin,and developed the subject so happily referred to by the poet.

"Such examples as his,"he said,"such delicate and generous sentiments mingled together,elevate poetry and show its noble origin,so that we cannot listen to him without the gravest emotion."[1]

It was a great day for Vergt,and also a great day for the poet.

The consecration of the church amidst so large an assemblage of clergy and people occasioned great excitement in the South.

It was noised abroad in the public journals,and even in the foreign press.Jasmin's fame became greater than ever;and his barber's shop at Agen became,as it were,a shrine,where pilgrims,passing through the district,stopped to visit him and praise his almost divine efforts to help the cause of religion and civilisation.

The local enthusiasm was not,however,without its drawbacks.

The success of the curate of Vergt occasioned a good deal of jealousy.Why should he be patronised by Jasmin,and have his purse filled by his recitations,when there were so many other churches to be built and repaired,so many hospitals and schools to found and maintain,so many orphanages to assist,so many poor to relieve,so many good works to be done?Why should not Jasmin,who could coin money with words which cost him nothing,come to the help of the needy and afflicted in the various districts throughout the South?

Thus Jasmin was constantly assailed by deputations.He must leave his razors and his curling-tongs,and go here,there,and everywhere to raise money by his recitations.

The members of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul were,as usual,full of many charitable designs.There had been a fire,a flood,an epidemic,a severe winter,a failure of crops,which had thrown hundreds of families into poverty and misery;and Jasmin must come immediately to their succour."Come,Jasmin!Come quick,quick!"He was always willing to give his assistance;but it was a terrible strain upon his mental as well as his physical powers.

In all seasons,at all hours,in cold,in heat,in wind,in rain,he hastened to give his recitations--sometimes of more than two hours'duration,and often twice or thrice in the same day.

He hastened,for fear lest the poor should receive their food and firing too late.

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