
第21章 THE GAME(2)

And you know blamed well we'll win.They came in from Kansas City on the limited,just now,the roses did.The shower's predicted for tomorrow P.M."A sudden glow lighted Vic's stern face,and there was no savage gleam in his eyes now.

"Is Elinor well enough to come out tomorrow?"He had been caught unawares.Trench stared at him deliberately.

"Say,Victor Burleigh."He spoke slowly."Don't do it!

DON'T DO IT!It will kill a man like you to get in love.

Lord pity you!and"--more slowly still--"Lord pity the fool girl who can't see the solid gold in the rough old nugget you are.""What's the rest of your news?"Vic asked.

"I gave the best first.Coach tells me ab-so-lute-lee,you are our only hope.The hope of Sunrise,tomorrow.

You've got the beef,the wind,the speed,the head,and the will.

Oh,you angel child!"

"The coach is clever,"Vic said carelessly.

"Burleigh,here's the rub as well as the Rub-i-con.Dennie Saxon's wise,and she tells me--on the side;inside,not outside--that your absent marks on Burgess'map are going to cut you out at the last minute.

Don't let Burgess do that,Vic,if you have to kill him.

Couldn't we kidnap him and drop him into the whirlpool?

Old Lagonda's interest is about due.Dennie just stood her ground today like a cherub,and asked the Hahvahd Univusity man right out about it.

I don't know how she got the hint,only she's in all the offices and the library out of hours,you know,and when the slim one from Boston,yuh know,said as how he had to stand firm on the right,yuh know,old Dennie just says straight and flat,`Professor Burgess,I'm ashamed of you.'

Dennie's a brick.And do you know,Burgess,spite of his cussed thin hide,we've got to toughen for him out here in Kansas;spite of all that,HE LIKES DENNIE SAXON.The oracle hath orked,the sibyl hath sibbed.

But say,Vic,if he does come down hard on you,what will you do?""Come down hard on him,and play anyhow."The grim jaw and black frown left no doubt as to Vic's purpose.

Late November is idyllic in the Walnut Valley.Autumn's gold has all been burned in Nature's great crucible,refining the landscape to a wide range from frosted silver to richest Purple.Heliotrope and rose and amethyst blend with misty pink and dainty gray,and the faint,indefinable blue-green hue of the robin's egg,and outlined all in delicate black tracery of leafless boughs and darkened waterways.

Every sunrise is a revelation of Infinite Beauty.Every midday,a shadowy soft picture of Peace.Every sunset a dream of Omnipotent Splendor.

On such a November Thanksgiving day,the great game of the season was played on the Sunrise football field,which all the Walnut Valley folks came forth to see.

By one o'clock Lagonda Ledge was deserted,save for old Bond Saxon,who sat on his veranda,watching the crowds stream by.

At two o'clock the bleachers were packed,and the side lines were broad and black with a good-natured,jostling crowd.

And every minute the numbers were increasing.

Truly Sunrise had never before known such an auspicious day,such record-breaking gate receipts,nor such sure promise of success.The game was called for half-past two.

It was three o'clock now and the line-up had not been formed.

Even the gentle wrangle over details and eligibility could hardly have spun out so much time as seemed to the waiting throng to be uselessly wasted now.Evidently,something was wrong.

The crowd grew impatient and demanded the cause.

Out in the open,the two squads were warming up for the fray,while the officials hung fire in a group by the goal posts and talked threateningly.

"What's the matter?"

"When will the freight be in?"

"Merry Christmas!"

So the crowd shouted.The songs were worn out,the yell-leaders were exhausted,and the rooters were hoarse.

"Where's Vic Burleigh?"somebody called,and a chorus followed:

"Burleigh!Burly!Burlee!Come home!Come home!Come home!"But Burleigh did not come.

"Maybe they are shutting him out,"somebody else suggested,and the Sunrise bleachers took fire.Calls for Burleigh rent the air,roars and yells that threatened to turn this most auspicious college event into pandemonium,and the jolly company into a veritable mob.

Meantime,as the teams were leaving their quarters early in the afternoon,the coach said to Vic:

"Run up to Burgess and get your grades,Burleigh.It's a mere form,but it will save that gang of game-cocks from getting one over us."In the rotunda Vic and Vincent met face to face,the country boy in his football suit and brown sweater,and the slender young college professor,with faultless tailoring and immaculate linen.

Ten minutes before,Burgess had been in Dr.Fenneben's office,where Elinor Wream and a group of fair college girls were chattering excitedly.

"See these roses,Uncle Lloyd."Elinor was holding up a gorgeous bunch of American Beauties."These go to Vic Burleigh when he gets behind the goal posts.Cost lots of my Uncle Lloyd's money,but we had to have them."Small wonder that the very odor of roses was hateful to Burgess at that moment.

"May I speak to you a minute?"Vic said as the two men met in the rotunda.

Burgess halted in silence.

"The coach sent me after your statement of my standing.

We've got a bunch of sticklers to fight today.""I have turned in my report,"Burgess responded coldly.

"So the coach said,all but mine.I'm late.May I have my report now?"Vic urged,trying to be composed.

"I have no further report for you."It was a cold-blooded thing to say,but Burgess,though filled with jealousy,was conscientious now in his belief that Burleigh was really a low grade fellow,deserving no leniency nor recognition.

"But you haven't given me any standing yet,the coach says."Vic's voice was dead calm.

"I have no standing to give you.You are below grade."Vic's eyes blazed."You dog!"was all he could say.

"Now,see here,Burleigh,there's no need to act any ruder than you can help."Burleigh did not move,nor did he take his yellow brown eyes from his instructor's face.

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