
第16章 CHAPTER IV(4)

There are some like cocks of the finest colors in the world, blue, yellow, red and of all colors, and others painted in a thousand ways. And the colors are so fine that there is no man who does not wonder at them and take great pleasure in seeing them. Also, there are whales. As for wild creatures on shore, Isaw none of any sort, except parrots and lizards; a boy told me that he saw a great snake. Neither sheep nor goats nor any other animal did I see; although I have been here a very short time, that is, half a day, but if there had been any I could not have failed to see some of them." * * *Wednesday, October 17. He left the town at noon and prepared to sail round the island. He had meant to go by the south and southeast. But as Martin Alonzo Pinzon, captain of the Pinta, had heard, from one of the Indians he had on board, that it would be quicker to start by the northwest, and as the wind was favorable for this course, Columbus took it. He found a fine harbor two leagues further on, where he found some friendly Indians, and sent a party ashore for water. "During this time," he says, "Iwent [to look at] these trees, which were the most beautiful things to see which have been seen; there was as much verdure in the same degree as in the month of May in Andalusia, and all the trees were as different from ours as the day from the night. And so [were] the fruits, and the herbs, and the stones and everything. The truth is that some trees had a resemblance to others which there are in Castile, but there was a very great difference. And other trees of other sorts were such that there is no one who could * * * liken them to others of Castile. * * *"The others who went for water told me how they had been in their houses, and that they were very well swept and clean, and their beds and furniture [made] of things which are like nets of cotton.[*] Their houses are all like pavilions, and very high and good chimneys.[**]

[*] They are called Hamacas.

[**] Las Casas says they were not meant for smoke but as a crown, for they have no opening below for the smoke.

"But I did not see, among many towns which I saw, any of more than twelve or fifteen houses. * * * And there they had dogs. * ** And there they found one man who had on his nose a piece of gold which was like half a castellano, on which there were cut letters.[*] I blamed them for not bargaining for it, and giving as much as was asked, to see what it was, and whose coin it was;and they answered me that they did not dare to barter it."[*] A castellano was a piece of gold, money, weighing about one-sixth of an ounce.

He continued towards the northwest, then turned his course to the east-southeast, east and southeast. The weather being thick and heavy, and "threatening immediate rain. So all these days since Ihave been in these Indies it has rained little or much."Friday, October 19. Columbus, who had not landed the day before, now sent two caravels, one to the east and southeast and the other to the south-southeast, while he himself, with the Santa Maria, the SHIP, as he calls it, went to the southeast. He ordered the caravels to keep their courses till noon, and then join him. This they did, at an island to the east, which he named Isabella, the Indians whom he had with him calling it Saomete. It has been supposed to be the island now called Inagua Grande.

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