

Meanwhile the worthy magistrate spoke to Hermann as follows "You deserve, my friend to be counted amongst the good landlords Who are anxious to manage their house through qualified people.

For I have often observed how cautiously men are accustom'd Sheep and cattle and horses to watch, when buying or bart'ring But a man, who's so useful, provided he's good and efficient, And who does so much harm and mischief by treacherous dealings, Him will people admit to their houses by chance and haphazard, And too late find reason to rue an o'erhasty decision.

This you appear to understand, for a girl you have chosen As your servant, and that of your parents, who thoroughly good is.

Treat her well, and as long as she finds the business suit her, You will not miss your sister, your parents will miss not their daughter."Other persons now enter'd, the patient's nearest relations, Many articles bringing, and better lodgings announcing.

All were inform'd of the maiden's decision, and warmly bless'd Hermann, Both with significant looks, and also with grateful expressions, And one secretly whispered into the ear of another "If the master should turn to a bridegroom, her home is provided."Hermann then presently took her hand, and address'd her as follows "Let us be going; the day is declining, and far off the village."Then the women, with lively expressions, embraced Dorothea;Hermann drew her away; they still continued to greet her.

Next the children, with screams and terrible crying attack'd her, Pulling her clothes, their second mother refusing to part from.

But first one of the women, and then another rebuked them "Children, hush! to the town she is going, intending to bring you Plenty of gingerbread back, which your brother already had order'd, From the confectioner, when the stork was passing there lately, And she'll soon return, with papers prettily gilded."So at length the children released her; but scarcely could Hermann Tear her from their embraces and distant-signalling kerchiefs.



So tow'rd the sun, now fast sinking to rest, the two walk'd together, Whilst he veil'd himself deep in clouds which thunder portended.

Out-of his veil now here, now there, with fiery glances Beaming over the plain with rays foreboding and lurid.

"May this threatening weather," said Hermann, "not bring to us shortly Hail and violent rain, for well does the harvest now promise."And they both rejoiced in the corn so lofty and waving, Well nigh reaching the heads of the two tall figures that walk'd there.

Then the maiden spoke to her friendly leader as follows "Generous youth, to whom I shall owe a kind destiny shortly, Shelter and home, when so many poor exiles must weather the tempest, In the first place tell me all about your good parents, Whom I intend to serve with all my soul from hence-forward;Knowing one's master, 'tis easier far to give satisfaction, By rememb'ring the things which he deems of the highest importance, And on which he has set his heart with the greatest decision.

Tell me, then, how best I can win your father and mother."Then the good and sensible youth made answer as follows "You are indeed quite right, my kind and excellent maiden, To begin by asking about the tastes of my parents!

For I have hitherto striven in vain to satisfy Father, When I look'd after the inn, as well as my regular duty, Working early and late in the field, and tending the vineyard.

Mother indeed was contented; she knew how to value my efforts;And she will certainly hold you to be an excellent maiden, If you take care of the house, as though the dwelling your own were.

But my father's unlike her; he's fond of outward appearance.

Gentle maiden, deem me not cold and void of all feeling, If I disclose my father's nature to you, who're a stranger.

Yes, such words have never before escaped, I assure von Out of my mouth, which is little accustom'd to babble and chatter;But you have managed to worm all my secrets from out of my bosom.

Well, my worthy father the graces of life holds in honour, Wishes for outward signs of love, as well as of rev'rence, And would doubtless be satisfied with an inferior servant Who understood this fancy, and hate a better, who did not."Cheerfully she replied, with gentle movement increasing Through the darkening path the speed at which she was walking:

I in truth shall hope to satisfy both of your parents, For your mother's character my own nature resembles, And to external graces have I from my youth been accustom'd.

Our old neighbours, the French, in their earlier days laid much stress on Courteous demeanour; 'twas common alike to nobles and burghers, And to peasants, and each enjoin'd it on all his acquaintance.

in the same way, on the side of the Germans, the children were train'd up Every morning, with plenty of kissing of hands and of curtsies, To salute their parents, and always to act with politeness.

All that I have learnt, and all I have practised since childhood, All that comes from my heart,--I will practise it all with the old man.

But on what terms shall I--I scarcely dare ask such a question,--Be with yourself, the only son, and hereafter my master?"Thus she spoke, and at that moment they came to the peartree.

Down from the skies the moon at her full was shining in glory;Night had arrived, and the last pale gleam of the sunset had vanish'd.

So before them were lying, in masses all heap'd up together, Lights as clear as the day, and shadows of night and of darkness.

And the friendly question was heard by Hermann with pleasure, Under the shade of the noble tree at the spot which he loved so Which that day had witness'd his tears at the fate of the exile.

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