
第96章 CHAPTER I(7)

A frightful dream had represented to her Antonia on the verge of a precipice. She saw her trembling on the brink: Every moment seemed to threaten her fall, and She heard her exclaim with shrieks, 'Save me, Mother! Save me!--Yet a moment, and it will be too late!' Elvira woke in terror. The vision had made too strong an impression upon her mind, to permit her resting till assured of her Daughter's safety. She hastily started from her Bed, threw on a loose night-gown, and passing through the Closet in which slept the Waiting-woman, She reached Antonia's chamber just in time to rescue her from the grasp of the Ravisher.

His shame and her amazement seemed to have petrified into Statues both Elvira and the Monk: They remained gazing upon each other in silence. The Lady was the first to recover herself.

'It is no dream!' She cried; 'It is really Ambrosio, who stands before me! It is the Man whom Madrid esteems a Saint, that Ifind at this late hour near the Couch of my unhappy Child!

Monster of Hypocrisy! I already suspected your designs, but forbore your accusation in pity to human frailty. Silence would now be criminal: The whole City shall be informed of your incontinence. I will unmask you, Villain, and convince the Church what a Viper She cherishes in her bosom.'

Pale and confused the baffled Culprit stood trembling before her.

He would fain have extenuated his offence, but could find no apology for his conduct: He could produce nothing but broken sentences, and excuses which contradicted each other. Elvira was too justly incensed to grant the pardon which He requested. She protested that She would raise the neighbourhood, and make him an example to all future Hypocrites. Then hastening to the Bed, She called to Antonia to wake; and finding that her voice had no effect, She took her arm, and raised her forcibly from the pillow. The charm operated too powerfully. Antonia remained insensible, and on being released by her Mother, sank back upon the pillow.

'This slumber cannot be natural!' cried the amazed Elvira, whose indignation increased with every moment. 'Some mystery is concealed in it; But tremble, Hypocrite; all your villainy shall soon be unravelled! Help! Help!' She exclaimed aloud; 'Within there! Flora! Flora!'

'Hear me for one moment, Lady!' cried the Monk, restored to himself by the urgency of the danger; 'By all that is sacred and holy, I swear that your Daughter's honour is still unviolated.

Forgive my transgression! Spare me the shame of a discovery, and permit me to regain the Abbey undisturbed. Grant me this request in mercy! I promise not only that Antonia shall be secure from me in future, but that the rest of my life shall prove . . . . .'

Elvira interrupted him abruptly.

'Antonia secure from you? _I_ will secure her! You shall betray no longer the confidence of Parents! Your iniquity shall be unveiled to the public eye: All Madrid shall shudder at your perfidy, your hypocrisy and incontinence. What Ho! there! Flora!

Flora, I say!'

While She spoke thus, the remembrance of Agnes struck upon his mind. Thus had She sued to him for mercy, and thus had He refused her prayer! It was now his turn to suffer, and He could not but acknowledge that his punishment was just. In the meanwhile Elvira continued to call Flora to her assistance; but her voice was so choaked with passion that the Servant, who was buried in profound slumber, was insensible to all her cries:

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    很多人不但实现了十年前的梦想,还实现了毕生的终极梦想。真的,只有死的时候,才有资格说你的梦想是否破灭了。热血要浇灌在最理性的种子上,才能开花结果。钱通常帮助我们构建了梦想,是缔造梦想的重要工具,但一定不是梦想本身。运气应该是天赋和努力条件俱足时候才会得到的馅饼。人们一直在试图为福祸和功名利禄找答案,其实答案的大部分始终在自己身上。 做一回人的意义,就是在随机而有限的生命里,在那些无能为力中,做过最大化的抗争吧。熬过冬天,熬过所有的草木都发芽,熬到情绪平复,熬过隐忍的每一天,直到再一次看见希望的光。
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    好书使人开卷时会有所求,而闭卷时获有益处。播下一种思想,收获一种行为;播下一种行为,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运。 这些生动有趣的成语故事浓缩了广博的历史知识,吸纳了丰富的世事人情。每则故事都浓缩了深刻的人生哲理,蕴藏着丰富的生活智慧,帮助小学生开动大脑、启发智慧,领悟故事饱含的人生真谛和哲理。
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